Thursday, August 9, 2012

Off to College: Thoughts and what not.

Ahh...... College. A chance to break away from all those things that held you back, a chance to breath new air as a new man, or woman. A chance to discover all that you had inside you. A Chance to discover whether or not you could be the next Carl Sagen or the prophet of the new world.

Actually, That's all a misperception to most lower-class soon-to-be freshmen. It's really just the beginning of serfdom to the man. (Bills and what-not.) Bills that will cost you have of your time and money, and really takes time out of what you were used to. Not only that, some poor souls have a degree and they still get harped on for not having a job or a good job.

But Fuck that shit.

College is both a mispercieved difficult path of red tape & broken glass and the most important moment of many lives.

As for me; I am both bewildered, be-whatevered, and honestly unsure and frighted. Will I reach the top of the ladder of happiness and secure a postion in the world where I can be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Or will I fail and fall down to rock bottom?

There's no telling what will happen. But there's no reason to worry our balls off. What happens happens. At least I'll still have this house, more or less.

Besides, It's not until next week when I move in. I still have plenty of childhood left to use up.

In the mean time here's this tune that will conculde this journal/blog.

It sounds like this:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Critics Corner: TDKR Review

Critics's Corner: The Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Nolan's anticipated third film of the BATMAN trilogy, though marred by the unfortunate shooting at Aurora, didn't fail to entertain.

Being a fan of this series of batman since Batman Begins totally rocked my socks off, and The Dark Knight totally kicked the feet out under me, TDKR was top on my list to see in theaters. However, I hate to say that it was a bit more comic-booky and predictable then the other two. But it still was believable enough to knock the wind out of me.

(Without going into detail about the plot, I'll just focus on the Story, Acting, Production Value, and Final Thoughts.)


The Story is a near-perfect but still fantastic combination of comic-books and anti-heroic superhero movies. It's interesting how each modern movie tries to portray human nature in a very BATMAN-villain way. I was actually rooting for Bane the entire time, more or less. However, the plot does takes it's time to get really interesting, and is somewhat cheesy at the end, and I feel that some scenes that held important moments were left out. Yet, whether that's good or bad, is entirely up to you.


With an ensemble of big-name actors, it's hard to go wrong with names like Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Micheal Caine, Morgan Freeman, Joesph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy. (whom my sisters, the dorks they are, adore.) All of them were great and the big name characters, (BATMAN And BANE) were top-notch. Anne Hathaway's Cat-Woman, on the other hand, seemed to be a forced love interest. But she was still pretty kick-ass and anti-heroic. And expect surprise visits from two other Christopher Nolan cast members.

Production Value:

Though hosting an epic story with and an ensemble of characters, the movie was filmed just about the same as almost any other movie. (Some sets, one or two outdoor shots, simplistic camera angles. All of that with some exceptions) Still, it works well enough to make a believable Batman.

Final Thoughts:

Despite my rather lame review, This was an excellent movie that, more-or-less, ties all the loose ends of the trilogy. However, I believe that a sequel is possible, even without Christopher Nolan at the helm.
All in all, my final review is:

Two thumbs Up: My Highest. (Fantabolusly awesome)

And that's it.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hello from Somewheresville!

Morning/Afternoon/Evening to fellow interneters out there! This is Mr. Mohan, officially starting his own blog for no damn reason! (OK not really, but this is just to substitute for the fact I don't have Facebook, but that's all right, I don't need one!)

On this blog you'll find random nonsense/awesome stuff that one could view with pleasure(or displeasure depending on the mood).

This is Mr. Mohan, and that's it.

First off, let's start, with my favorite genre of music:
